Eugenie Boon


De meeste van onderstaande kunstwerken zijn verkocht. Tijdens Art Island 2024 (17 – 19 mei) presenteren wij nieuwe schilderijen van Eugenie Boon. Wil je op de hoogte blijven? Mail dan naar jacko@brinkmanbergsma.nl


Driven by her upbringing on Curaçao and the rich history of the island, Eugenie Boon engages into a multidisciplinary practice spanning, painting, sculpture, performance and relational artworks.

In shamanistic, playful, poetic yet critical works, Eugenie investigates the relationship between Curaçao & the Netherlands, questioning how Dutch Nationalism has muted Curaçao culture and how a sense of both knowledge and pride towards it could be reinstalled.

While her paintings are a culmination of both personal and historical narratives that bring to the forefront, the complexities that Eugenie encounters in her daily life, performing comes culturally natural to her as theatricality is abundant throughout Curaçao culture.

Eugenie considers art a profound tool to amplify not just her own voice, but also that of others. Her works intend to start conversations that offer guidance and enables self- development among her fellow people of the Caribbean, as well as education to the western community that has been deprived of another perspective than their own.

In her graduation project “Reframing the frames of references”, Eugenie brought together personal stories within a context of more widely known histories and religion, challenging why so little of the rich culture of her birth ground is present and known around here, and how to turn the feeling of being trapped between two cultures into a creative force. Eugenie won the HKU Award 2020 for artistic presentation.

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Kos den man pa sakudí (Something to shake), 2024

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E ta sintá den e konchá, 2022

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Bon ganchá, 2023

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Send’é, 2022

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Madrina (peetmoeder), 2024

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“Chapi ke chapi”, 2021

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Kòmpèr (peetvader, co-père), 2024

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“Wap e”, 2020

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Lora wak un stobà di Zus, 2024
